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Wednesday, December 28, 2005 The Hidden Debt to Islamic Civilisation Western historian, in general, have removed the Islamic source with regard to every single change that affected science and civilisation at the origin of western civilisation and modern civilisation. This injustice founded on religious reasons, because Europe was and is reacting against Islam. It was the saracens who were muslims that brought the light of civilisation into Europe. Even Prince Charles observes in his Islam and the West: 'there is also much ignorance about the debt our own culture and civilisation owe to the the islamic world... which stems from the straightjacket of history, which we have inherited... Because we have tended to see Islam as the enemy of the West, as an alien culture, society, and system of belief, we have tended to ignore or erase its great relevance to our own history. Obviously, whoever carefully studies the life of european muslims at the medieval period and the Europe itself, would discover that Islam was playing the role of western civilisation. Therefor, in order to draw the Islamic role of western civilisation, we have to see all these points: First, all new medieval scientific developments and changes in aspects of civilisation, anywhere, anytime, took place as soon as contact was made with an Islamic source. Second, major changes show the same timing (12th century principally), when contact was made with Islamic culture, or when the first crusaders began returning from the East. Third, all changes took place in contact with the same geographical sources (Spain, Sicily, Southern Italy, the East during the crusaders,) (all under Islamic control, or direct influence). Fourth, all regions within western christendom, which experianced the first revolution in science and aspects of civilisation (Lorraine, Salerno, Montpellier, Catalonia, etc,) were the nearest to Islamic sources of influence, or did so soon after the entry of Islamic learning into such places. Fifth, each of these regions showed forms and manners of change in precisely the very aspect of science and civilisation they borrowed from Islam. Sixth, all changes have the same agents of transmission ( muslim masons and scholars, christians residing amongst muslims). Eight, all early western christian scholars were either Arabic minded scholars (Adelard of Bath, Gerbert of Aurillac, Daniel of Morley...) or scholars who travelled to the muslim world (Leonardo Fibonacci). Ninth, any changes that took place prior to the 12th-13th century also show the same patterns of influence. And so and so forth. This systematic suppression of the Islamic source of modern science and civilisation has been, however, noted by individual historians who have re-considered the history of their subject. Such as N. Smith in his A History of Dams. R.B. Winder in The Genius of Arab Civilisation; Source of Renaissance. A. Pacey in Technology in World Civilization, a Thousand Year History. A. Cherbonneau: Kitab al Filaha of Abu Khayr al-Ichlibi. J.B. Harley and D. Woodward: The History of Cartography. K. Krisciunas: Astronomical Centers of the World. J. J O'connor and E. F. Robertson: Arabic Mathematics. D. Talbot Rice: Islamic Art. Sir John Glubb: A Short History of Arab Peoples. J. W. Draper: A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe. H. R. H Prince of Wales: Islam and the West. P. Geyl: Use and Abuse of History. M. Daumas: The History of Technology. D. H. Fischer: Historians Fallacies. John L. Esposito: Islam the Straight Path. And many more. What is more worse then the denial of the Islamic role in the rise of modern science and civilisation. Today's western vast superiority over the Islam world is military, economic, scientific, communications, information, etc. Looking at the muslim lands today, all that can be seen are dysfunctional economics and institutions, undemocratic political systems, and above all, an inexistent scientific contribution to huminity of any sort of form. An image of generalised ineptness compounded by a daily media barrage telling of Islamic terror, intolerance, barbarism, etc. Yet, some ten-twelve centuries or so ago the picture was the very reverse. As Lombard says: 'Nous vivions dans des clairieres. L'Islam, lui, brillait de tous ses feux...' (we were living in the wilderness; Islam the was glaring with a thousand lights). At an International Congress of Orientalist in 1883 (cleyden), Dr Tien of England stated that 'only these who are blinded can deny the muslim scientific contribution'. "For indeed, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the heart, which are within the bosoms, that grow blind". Qur'an 22:46 Ikhwani!!! Stop the crusade and westernisation. Wallaahua'lam. Thursday, December 15, 2005 Antara Islam Hadari dan bendera Israel di bangunan UMNO Bismillah Segala puji bagi Allah serta selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar nabi Muhammad S.W.T. Ikhwani... Dikala Islam Hadari dilaungkan jentera Zionis yang berkuasa, Bendera negara haram Israel pula berkebar megah di bangunan UMNO. Ankara siapakah ini? Ikhwani... Islam Hadari seperti yang kita tahu, bukanlah perkara baru. Konsepnya adalah menyerupai Deen Ilahi yang dianjurkan Akhbar Khan di India suatu ketika dulu. Islam Hadari serta konsepnya kalau tidak silap saya telah termaktub dalam “The protocols of the learned elders of zion” yang ditulis pada tahun 1987 oleh Philip Stephanov sebagai permulaan awal dalam penubuhan negara haram Israel yang benderanya dengan megah berkibar di bangunan UMNO akhir-akhir ini.. Ikhwani.. Jika kalian lihat negara-negara umat islam sekarang, keaadaannya adalah hampir sama sahaja. Iaitu pemerintah yang zalim melaung-laungkan kemajuan berbentuk duniawi disamping mengikis ketulinan islam sedikit demi sedikit bergantung kelekaan rakyat masing-masing.. Ikhwani... Pernah suatu ketika, seorang yang kononnya mufti (mufti jugalah kiranya bagi mereka) datang menjaja Islam Hadari di England. Perkara yang beliau sentiasa ulangi tentang projek Islam Hadari adalah antaranya; negara kita telah membina banyak masjid, sekolah agama islam (silibusnya suku islam sahaja), bank islam, universiti islam, dan banyak lagilah yang ada perkataan islam. Ramai hadirin yang lebih suka bersongkok yang tidak tahu bahawa songkok adalah antara pakaian hindu di India yang akhir-akhir ini berleluasa menyembelih umat Islam Gujerat selepas merobohkan Babri pada tahun 1992 dulu, yang akhir songkok ini menjadi pakaian tradisi Indonesia hanya mengangguk tanpa melayan perintah Allah di dalam quran supaya berfikir dan mencari ilmu agama yang sahih. Ikhwani... Tidakkah pernah mufti itu terfikir bahawa di England mereka punyai beribu masjid? tahukah beliau ratusan masjid hanya di Leicester yang lebih kecil dari Kuala Terengganu. Tidakkah beliau ketahui England juga mempunyai Islamic Bank of Britain sekarang? Tidakkah beliau ketahui bahawa England punyai puluhan atau mungkin ratusan madrasah? England juga punyai institusi islam seperti Markfield yang menjadi rujukan universiti-universiti di Malaysia dan seluruh dunia? Tidakkah beliau ketahui semua itu. Apakah yang beliau buat ketika lapang, walaupun jajaan beliau memakan belanja lebih kurang 20.000 pound sterling? Ikhwani.... NEGARA ISLAMKAH BRITAIN? Ikhwani… NEGARA ISLAMKAH MALAYSIA DENGAN UNDANG-UNDANG REID? Ikhwani.... Tidakkah sama kuffar British yg memberi kebebasan kepada umat islam di UK dalam masa yang sama membunuh saudara-saudara kita di luar. Atau menodai emak-emak dan saudari-saudara kita. Memusnahkan negara-negara umat islam dalam erti kata lainnya? Ikhwani... Tidakkah sama kuffar British ini dengan mereka yang menjaja islam di tanah air sambil membiarkan musuh-musuh Allah merobek agamanya? Tidak cukup dengan itu, mereka pula yang mengibarkan bendera negara haram Israel di bangunan UMNO. Atau Cina, India, erti kata lainnya, kuffarkah yang menduduki bangunan UMNO? Sememangnya tidak. Ikhwani.... Tolonglah.... Tolonglah penuhi dua suruhan Allah sahaja jika anda terlalu sibuk sehingga tiada masa untuk Allah dan agamanya. Tolonglah berZIKIR mengingati Allah dan berFIKIR tentang aqidah dengan penuh keikhlasan? Ianya tidak mengganggu waktu dan kerja anda. TOLONGLAH jika anda bergelar MUSLIM... Thursday, December 08, 2005 syuuu... Pesanan untuk lelaki tentang kahwin "Jangan engkau kahwini wanita yang enam,jangan yang ananah,yang mananah, dan yang hananah,dan jangan engkau kahwini yang hadaqah,yang baraqah dan syahadah." wanita Ananah-byk mengeluh dan mengadu dan tiap saat memperalatkan sakit atau buat2 sakit wanita Mananah-suka membangkit2 terhadap suami.Wanita ini sering menyatakan,"aku membuat itu keranamu". wanita Hananah-menyatakan kasih sayangnya kepada suaminya yang lain;yang dikahwininya sebelum ini atau kepada anaknya dari suami yang lain. wanita Hadaqah-melemparkan pandangan dan matanya pada tiap sesuatu,lalu menyatakan keinginannya untuk membeli barang itu dan memaksa suaminye untuk membelinya. wanita Baraqah-ada 2 makna,pertama yang sepanjang hari mengilatkan dan menghias mukanya,yang kedua dia marah ketiaka makan dan tidak mahu makan kecuali bersendirian dan diasingkan bahagiannye. wanita Syahadah-byk cakap tidak menentu lagi bising... Dipetik dari tulisan seorang kawan yang mengatakan ianya adalah catat imam Ghazali. Yang penting ianya nasiahat yang baik. |